CNC Waterjet Metal Cutting: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of This Process

Waterjet machines possessed by steel fabrication companies in UAE have the ability to cut the most durable and heavy-duty metal up to 304mm thick. These thicker thicknesses can’t be attained with other laser cut methods without dramatically deforming the material.

Affordability: Another reason why many organizations choose laser cut metal processing services is because they’re extremely expensive. Most don’t have the budget to pay for a full set of custom tools. Waterjet machinery eliminates the need for costly special tools, as it’s capable of cutting most metals using the same water jet pressure that traditional CNC equipment uses. The process doesn’t require frequent replacement of damaged parts.

Accuracy: It’s also important to note that waterjet metal cutting machines are capable of cutting the majority of common alloys such as alloy steel, aluminum, brass, stainless steel, nickel, copper, zinc, titanium, and tin. They are also capable of working with soft metals such as graphite, lead, and fiberglass. These machines are typically used to cut other materials besides metals, such as ceramics and plastics. While their accuracy isn’t as fast as some of the better CNC laser cut machines, they can still produce quality results.

Durability: Although CNC waterjet metal cutting machines are commonly associated with heavy metals, such as aluminum and stainless steel, they are also effective for cutting other lightweight, softer metals such as copper and zinc. However, even these less heavy metals can suffer from some of the same fatigue issues that plague other metals when they have been worked with for long periods of time. Waterjet cuts provide a smooth flow while processing and allow the product to be quickly turned around so that the desired shapes can be created. Because of these properties, it’s not uncommon to see these types of cuts used in applications where the surface must stand up to wear and tear, including aircraft applications and auto body shops.

There are several other advantages to waterjet metal cutting. Because the entire process is controlled at the same time, it provides a method of production that increases efficiency and reduces the amount of manual labor needed. This method also minimizes the amount of time spent on cleanup and downtime, and the ability to quickly reduce the cost of materials by switching to less labor-intensive options. Additionally, with the ability to work with a variety of various materials, these machines offer greater flexibility to the agricultural industry and can help them create durable products that will stand up to harsher conditions than other methods.
